
  • PRP Facial

    Improve your skin quality.

  • ALMI Hair Restoration

    Take back control of your hair … and restore your confidence!

  • BOTOX® Cosmetic

    look like you, only with less noticeable facial lines.

PRP Facial

    • Improves fine lines and deeper wrinkles

    • Reduces acne scars

    • Softens stretch marks

    • Evens skin tone

    • Lightens hyperpigmentation and sun spots

    • Reduces the appearance of pores

    • Reduces broken capillaries and spider veins

    • Brings back the glow for fresher, younger-looking skin

    • Safe on All Skin Colors

  • Microneedling uses the tiny needles in the MDNeedlePen to create controlled micro-injuries to the skin.

    These channels allow our own PRP and hyaluronic acid to be driven deep into the skin. The process increases the skin’s ability to utilize nutrients by up to 3000%. The micro-wounds trigger the body to produce new collagen and elastin. The results are improved skin texture and reduced appearance of wrinkles, stretch marks, and acne scars.

  • We obtain Platelet-Rich Plasma, or PRP, by drawing a small amount of blood from your arm into a sterile tube. Plasma contains a high concentration of platelets, stem cells, and growth factors. Platelets help your tissue heal and grow new cells. PRP is used to help damaged, aging skin grow new collagen and elastin for beautiful, youthful results.

  • Microneedling with PRP is a very safe and effective treatment for adults with all skin types who wish to improve their skin quality. 

    Vampire Facial is also a very powerful tool for treating scars on the face and body.

    It is a good option for people who are not good candidates for lasers, such as those with darker skin types. 

    Since PRP is derived from your own blood, the side effects are virtually eliminated.

  • First, we apply a topical numbing gel to the treatment area for optimal comfort. Then we insert a new sterile cartridge containing 12 microneedles into the MDPen.

    We apply your prepared PRP solution along with hyaluronic acid or other serum to the treatment area before and after the microneedling procedure to ensure that the PRP gets fully absorbed.

  • A single procedure will produce a significant improvement but a series of 3-6 treatments is ideal for optimal results.

  • The majority of the patient's skin will be red and flushed for 12-24 hours.

  • Within 2 weeks, you will start to see improvements and this will continue for 3 months.

ALMI For Hair Restoration

Hair loss affects 70% of men and 40% of women and can start as early as a person’s teens, with the risk increasing with age.

Hair loss can result in the loss of confidence and has been one of the more difficult areas to treat – with painful surgical processes, lotions and pills that don’t work, and expensive hair pieces. It is often an area that can cause frustration and embarrassment. Whether it is for a receding hairline, a balding area, a lack of fullness and volume, or thinning or sparse hair overall, the ALMI Hair Procedure (Autologous Lipocyte Micronized Injection) may be the all-natural solution for your hair loss.

Miniaturization of the hair follicle is the clinical hallmark of balding. Certain studies have established that cells residing in the scalp remain at persistent numbers, but the conversion of cells to the progenitor cells required for follicle stimulation and cycling is reduced in balding patients. Efforts to assist in this regeneration of the hair follicle may induce more robust and stronger recycling of the hair follicle. Once these cells are administered, they have the ability to re-activate dormant follicles, forming new cells of mesenchymal origin.

How is the ALMI™ Procedure Performed?

The ALMI™ procedure provides targeted treatment using your own cells to help stimulate the regeneration of follicles during hair growth cycles. The procedure is performed either in the clinician’s office or in an outpatient facility, using local anesthesia for the harvest site and treatment site, and is completed in an hour or less. A small amount of fat is harvested from either the abdomen or flank area, using a process called tumescent liposuction, which is done manually, with a very small cannula and tiny incision. Blood is drawn for PRP. The area to receive treatment is numbed and the ALMI™ and PRP injections are given using a very small needle, similar to that used in facial fillers. Results are typically seen during the next cycle of hair growth and improve over time with each hair growth cycle.


the first and only treatment FDA-approved to temporarily make moderate to severe frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead lines look better in adults.

Treatment requires minimal downtime. You can return to your daily routine immediately after you leave your specialist's office. You may begin to notice results within 24 to 48 hours, with full results in 30 days, with results lasting up to 4 months for moderate to severe frown lines.

Find out more about BOTOX® Cosmetic at their website.